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  • On behalf of Paks Atomic Power Station Close Corporation from 1999 until today:

We have been doing a refresh for the digital database of operational maps and technical sector maps on the territory of Power Station. There were some objects on the courtyard which are maintained or renovated. Its material parameters were changed so it was neccessary to remeasure, analyze, refresh and integrate these data into a GIS system.

  • On behalf of the Mayor’s Office of Szekszárd City:

Creating a cadastre of the local government’s estates by the statutory estates, produce new datas for GIS and filling up this GIS system with data.

  • Utility networks’ GIS system filling up data, Steinbacher Engineering Office (Germany).
  • Register of roads for UKIG
  • E.ON Dél-dunántúli Áramszolgáltató Zrt.
  • E.ON Dél-dunántúli Gázszolgáltató Zrt.
  • E.ON Közép-dunántúli Gázszolgáltató Zrt.
  • DÉMÁSZ, ÁRTEMISZ project.
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